Seven years. It seems just like yesterday. My day began just like any other. Got the kids off to school, kissed my girlfriend and settled in for a quiet morning since I had the day off.
Then terror gripped my mind and wouldn't let go. As I watched the countless fling themselves from the burning towers to their deaths, I cried. I drank tequelia. I prayed. Nothing helped.
As those horrible days stretched into months and now years, the pain has subsided. Our Nation has overcome its grief. We have forgiven - but it will never be forgotten. I still cry and I still drink tequelia.
Today. Look towards the sun. Remember all those who perished falling from the sky, the towers crumbling, the Pentagon and the bravest of souls on United 93. Remember the sacrifices of all of our honored brothers and sisters who gave their lives so that these horrendous acts will never occur again. Look towards the sun. In the light we will prevail.
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