Wow - 20 more days till Christmas! I always get giddy this time of year. The tree has been up and the house decorated since Thanksgiving. My brain is on overload trying to make to do lists -to tell me what to do and not to do. I did not participate in any Black Friday sales - nope never gonna happen. I don't have that much shopping to do, but I will spend copious amounts of cash in the next 19 days. The smells, the sounds, the food and fellowship all intoxicate me leading up to the big day. And blogging of that - Christmas is also me BDay. I cross over that dreaded 40 threshold this year. Not that I'm dreading it - just a bit cautious. I used to think I was Superman (still do at times) but mortality is definitely finding a seat about 5 rows back in my unconscious mind. I do love the thrill of the hunt on Christmas Eve. Nothing like searching out that last unique gift for someone. But wait - the POWERS THAT BE that control the Asheville Mall has taken away my holiday watering hole. No longer can I dash in for a shot and a beer at what used to be Annabelles/McGuffeys .. whatever .. No - looks like I'll be playing Frogger on Tunnel Rd attempting to quench my holiday thirst at China Palace. Can we all petition Barnes & Noble to include a bar?